Vibrating Shaft Bearings (50 hrs)
The double row of
If it becomes necessary to tear down and reassemble the roller, remove wash out and repack bearing housing with specified grease. After cleaning and checking bearings, they should be lightly packed with the specified grease.
It is essential that no end thrust be applied to these bearings. On reassembly there should be approximately .060" (min) to .120" (max) end float on the vibrator shaft, which may reduce when the shaft reaches working temperature.The bearings must be a light slip fit on the shaft to insure axial freedom.
Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid (50 hrs)
Inspect the fluid level in the hydraulic fluid reservoir every 50 hours of operation, if low, fill with Mobil 300, GM Dextron B or Ford
Vibrator Clutch Assembly (100 hrs)
The clutch must be greased every 100 hours of operation. Stop the engine with clutch engaged to check
Engine and Vibratory Shaft Speed Check (100 hrs)
To check the engine and vibratory shaft speed the use of an
To check engine speed, place the bottom of the
If the engine RPM speed is too fast or slow, consult the engine owner's manual on how to adjust the engine speed.
To check the vibrations per minute (vpm) of the roller shaft, place the bottom of the
Scrapper Blades (Daily)
The scrappers blades should be cleaned daily after each use to prevent the
V-30-4 Roller (Daily)
Clean the roller daily after each use. If using a pressurized hose keep the pressure between 500 and 1000 psi. Avoid using harsh chemicals, mild detergent soap will do. Avoid direct high water pressure to the engine, hoses and decals.
Water Tank (30 Days)
Drain and flush the water tank and spray bars every 30 days. When refilling the water tank, use only clean water.
Adjusting or Changing Travel V-Belt
Figure 33.Travel and Vibratory V-Belts
2.Use the prypoint (Figure 33) to achieve correct amount ofV- belttension.Tightengearboxscrews,andcheckbelttension byverifyingtheamountofdeflectionwhenthebeltispressed midway between the two pulleys.This deflection should be approximately 3/4 of an inch (2 cm.)