Mustang Survival MSV971 Life Preserver and Survival Vest
Description and Maintenance Instructions
9 June 2004, Rev: 1.0
b.Lay the LP/SV unit out on a flat, clean surface so that the completely deflated cell is fully extended.
c.Ensure that the rescue harness loops are fed through the upper openings in the protective container and laying flat underneath the cell. Check that the Velcro™ deployment lines are routed through the centre of the collar and connected the top of the harness loops with the patch on the cell and also check that the
d.SIDE OPPOSITE TO MANIFOLD VALVE Screw shall be turned fully in the LOWER (not locked) position. This would allow the user to, if needed, manually inflate the cell without having to fumble with the lock.
e.MANIFOLD VALVE SIDE Screw shall be turned fully in the UPPER (locked) position. Otherwise, as the cell is folded and packed and the inflator actuated, it is possible that the cell itself may depress the valve as it inflates, permitting the escape of gas.
Figure 9. Steps b. to e. Folding and Packing Instructions
Side opposite |
to manifold |
valve |
Velcro™ |
deployment |
lines for the |
rescue harness | Screw in |
lifting straps | |
| unlocked |
| position |
| Zipper Closing |
| Sliders |
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| document and may not be considered current when printed. |