Personal Style
Allows you to make changes to your system’s startup screen, wallpaper, system logo, icons, cursor, screen saver, shutdown screen, or even recover the default settings to the above
mentioned items, by doing the following: | E |
To change the startup screen, wallpaper, system logo, screen saver, or shutdown screen:
1.Place the document with the image you want to scan face down on your scanner window glass.
2.Click on the Personal Style button and a drop down menu will appear.
3.Click on the item you want changed and the Status and Progress Bar area will show its progress. Upon completion, your system will automatically update the system item you want changed.
To change your My Computer, Network
Neighborhood, Recycle Bin icon (empty and full):
1.Place the document with the image you want to scan face down on your scanner window glass.
2.Click on the Personal Style button and a drop down menu will appear.
3.Click on Icon and the following screen on the right will appear.
4.Click on the icon you want changed and the Cropping Area screen appears.
5.Use the Magnify button (+ and
6.Verify on the Preview window if the desired image area has been selected.
7.Click on the Checkmark button and your system will automatically update the system icon you want changed. System will revert back to the icon selection screen. To exit, click on the “X” mark button or continue changing another icon.