Chapter 4 Arb Operation
National Instruments Corporation 4-15 DAQArb 5411 Use r Manual
Figure 4-13. Stepped Trigger Mode for Arb Mode
After any stage has been generated completely, the first eight
samples of the next stage are repeated continuously until the next
trigger is received.
Note: For stepped trigger mode, you can predefine the state in which a stage ends
by making the first eight samples of the next stage represent the state you
want to settle.
• DDS mode—Stepped trigger mode and burst trigger mode are the
same thing for the DDS mode of waveform generation.
Burst Trigger ModeAfter a start trigger is received, the waveform described by the first
stage is generated until another trigger is received. At the next trigger,
the buffer of the previous stage is completed be fo re the wa ve fo rm
described by the second stage is generated. Once the staging list is
exhausted, the waveform generation returns to the first stage and
continues in a cyclic fashion.
You can use burst trigger mode with the both the Arb and DDS
waveform generation modes, as follows:
• Arb mode—Figure 4-14 uses the stages shown in Figure 4-4 to
illustrate a burst trigger mode of operation for Arb mode.
*The first ei
ht samples of the next sta
e are
enerated repeatedl
Start Trigger Start Trigger Start Trigger
of Stage 3 End
of Stage 1
Start Trigger
of Stage 2
of Stage 1
Repeat Sequence
Keep Going
Until Stopped