National Instruments Corporation G-11 DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Shannon’s Sampling a law of sampling theory stating that if a continuous bandwidth-limited
Theorem signal contains no frequency components higher than half the frequency
at which it is sampled, then the original signal can be recovered without
single trigger mode when the arbitrary waveform generator goes through the staging list
only once
SMB a type of miniature coaxial signal connector
S/s samples per second—used to express the rate at which a DAQ board
samples an analog signal
stage in Arb mode, specifies the buffer to be generated, the number of loops
on that buffer, the marker position for that buffer, and the sample count
for the buffer; for DDS mode, specifies the frequency to be generated
of the waveform in the lookup memory and the time for which that
frequency has to be generated
staging list a buffer that contains linking and looping information for multiple
waveforms; also known as a sequence list or waveform sequence
stepped trigger mode a mode of waveform generation used when you w ant a tr igger to
advance the waveforms specified by the stages in the staging list
SYNC TTL version of the sine waveform output signal generated by the
system noise a measure of the amount of noise seen by an analog circuit or an ADC
when the analog inputs are grounded
transfer rate the rate, measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destination after software initialization and set up operations; the
maximum rate at which the hardware can operate
trigger any event that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL transistor-transistor logic