DAQArb 5411 User Manual G-12
National Instruments Corporation
Uupdate rate the rate at which a DAC is updated
VV volts
VCXO voltage controlled crystal oscillator
VI virtual instrument—(1) a combination of hardware and/or software
elements, typically used with a PC, that has the functionality of a classic
standalone instrument (2) a LabVIEW software module (VI), which
consists of a front panel user interface and a block diagram program
Wwaveform multiple voltage readings taken at a specific sampling rate
waveform buffers the collection of 16-bit data samples stored in the waveform memory
that represent a desired waveform. Also known as a waveform segment.
waveform memory physical data storage on the DAQArb 5411 for storing the waveform
data samples
waveform segment See waveform buffer.
waveform sequence See staging list.