DAQArb 5411 User Manual G-2
National Instruments Corporation
A amperes
AC alternating current
AMM advanced memory module—used for storing waveform buffers for the
Arb mode of waveform generation. The standard AMM size is
2,000,000 16-bit samples.
amplification method of scaling the signal level to a higher level
ARB normal waveform output signal
Arb mode a mode of generating waveforms in which waveforms are defined by
multiple buffers that can be linked or looped in any order
arbitrary waveform instrument for generating any desired waveform; this instrument is not
generator restricted to standard waveforms such as sine or square
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit—a proprietary semiconductor
component designed and manufactured to perform a set of specific
functions for a specific customer
AT bus See bus.
attenuation decreasing the amplitude of a signal
b bit—one binary digit, either 0 or 1
B byte—eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also used
to denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
bandwidth the range of frequencies present in a signal, or the range of frequencies
to which a measuring device can respond
BNC a type of coaxial signal connector
buffer temporary storage for acquired or generated data
buffer linking linking different buffers stored in the waveform memory