Chapter1 Introduction
7344/7334Hardware User Manual 1-4 ni.com
Optional EquipmentNational Instruments offers a variety of products for use with the
7344/7334 controller,including cables, Universal Motion Interfaces
(UMIs), drive power amplifier units, and other accessories as follows:
•Cablesand cable assemblies for motion and digital I/O
•RTSIbus cables
•UMI wiring connectivityblock s with integratedmo tion signal
conditioning and motion inhibit functionality
•Stepper and servomotor com patible driveramplifier units with
integratedpower supply and wiring connectivity
•Connector blocks, shielded and unshielded 68-pin screw terminal
Formore specific information about these prod ucts, refer to your National
Instrumentscatalog, on the Internetat ni.com, or call you r National
Instrumentssales representative.
Motion I/O ConnectionsTheexternal motion and digital I/O connectors on the 7344 /7334 controller
are high-density, 68-pin female VHDCI connectors.
Forcustom cables, uset he followingmating connector from AMP
(part number 787801-01).