Chapter5 SignalConnections
7344/7334Hardware User Manual 5-16
RTSI Signal Considerations
The 7344/7334 motion controllers allow you to use the RTSI signals as
sourcesfor trigg er inputs, or as destinations for breakpoint outputs and
encodersignals. The RTSI bus can also be used as a generic digital I/O port.
Breakpoint outputs are output-only signals that generate an active-high
pulse of 90120 ns duration, as shown in Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9. BreakpointAcross RTSI
Encoder and Indexsign als areo utput-only signals across RTSIthat are
the digitally-filtered versions of the rawsig nals coming into the controller.
If you are using the RTSIbus for trigger inputs or generic digital I/O, all
signalsare passed through unaltered.
tw= 90 -120 ns