©NationalInstruments Corporation A-1 7344/7334Hardware User Manual
This appendix lists the hardware and software performance specifications
for the 7344/7334 controller.
Servo Performance (7344 only)
PID update rate range.............................62.5 to 500 µs/sample
MaxPID update rate .......................62.5 µs/axis
4-axis PID update rate.....................250 µs total
Trajectory update rate............................ Same as PID update rate
Multi-axis synchronization .................... < 1 update sample
Position accuracy
Encoder feedback............................±1 quadrature count
Analogfeedback ............................. ±1 LSB
Double-buffered trajectoryparameters
Absolute position range .................. ±231 counts
Maxrelative move size ................... ±231 counts
Velocityrange .................................1 to ±20,000,000 counts/s
RPMrange ...................................... 10–5to 106revolutions/minute
Acceleration/deceleration............... 4,000 to 128,000,000 counts/s2
RPS/srange .....................................10–1to 108revol utions/s2
S-Curve time range......................... 1 to 32,767 samples
Followingerror range ..................... 0 to 32,767 counts
Gearratio (7344 only) .....................±32,767:1 to 1:32,767
Servocontrol loop modes ......................PID, PIVff, S-Curve, Dual Loop
PID (Kp,Ki and Kd) gains ............. 0 to 32,767
Integrationlimit (Ilim) .................... 0 to 32,767
Derivative sample period (Td)........ 1 to 63 samples