Chapter5 SignalConnections
7344/7334Hardware User Manual 5-12
Analog Inputs
The 7344/7334 controller has the following ADC input signals:
Analog Input <1..4>The 7344/7334 controller includes an eight
channelmultiplexed, 12-bit ADC capable of measuring ±10 V, ±5 V,
010V, and 05 V inputs. ADC channels 1 through 4 are brought out
externallyon the 68-pin motion I/O connector. ADC channels 5
through 8 are connected internally as shown in Table5-2. These
signalscan be used for ADC test and calibration.
Youcan configure each ADC channel for motion feedback, simple
A/D conversion,or both.
Youcan read the digital value of analog voltage on any of the eight
ADCchannels of the controller by using the Read ADC function. The
rangeof values read back and the voltage resolution for each setting are
shownin Table 5-3. The voltage resolution is given in volts per least
significantbit (V/LSB).
When configuredas analog feedback, an analog sensor acts like a
limitedrange a bsolute position devicewith a ful l-scalep osition range
asindicated in Table 5-3. You can map any ADC channel as feedback
to anyaxis.
Youcan enable and disable individual ADC channels in software.
Youshould disable unused ADC channels for the highest multiplexer
Table5-2. InternalADC Channels
ADC Input Signal
5Filtered +5 V
6Floating (NC)
7Analog Reference (7.5 V)
8Analog Input Ground
Table5-3. AnalogInput Voltage Ranges
InputRange Binary Values Resolution
±10 V 2,048to 2,047 0.0049V/LSB
±5V 2,048 to 2,047 0.0024V/LSB
010 V 0to4,095 0.0024 V/LSB
05V 0to4,095 0.0012 V/LSB