Chapter1 TakingMeasurements with the NI 5911
NI5911 User Manual 1-4 ni.com
Acquiring DataWhenyou launch VirtualBench-Scope, it operates in continuous run mode.
To startacquiring signals w ith VirtualBench-Scope, complete the
following steps:
1. Connect a signal to Channel 0 of your NI 5911.
2. ConfigureVirtualBench-Scope.
a. From the Edit menu on the front panel, select General Settings.
b. SelectNI 5 911 from the instrument list as shown in Figure 1-3.
If the NI 5911 is not in the devicel ist,m akesure yo u have
properlyconfigured the device using Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX). Formore inform ation on howto configure
your NI 5911 in MAX, refer to the Where to Start with Your
Oscilloscope/Digitizer document that shipped with your NI 5911.
c. Click OK to use these settings.
Figure1-3. AcquireTab of VirtualBench-Scope Settings Dialog Box
1 Device Type Selector 2DeviceList