AppendixB DigitizerBasics
©NationalInstruments Corporation B-3 NI5911 User Manual
FigureB-3. 1MHzSineWaveSample
Vertical SensitivityVerticalsensitivity describes the smallest input voltage change the digitizer
can capture. This limitation is because one distinct digital voltage
encompassesa rangeof analog voltages. Therefore, it is possible that a
minutechange in voltage at the input is not noticeable at the output of
the ADC. This parameter depends on the input range, gain of the input
amplifier,and ADC resolution. It is specified in volts per LSB. Figure B-4
showsthe transfer function of a 3-bit ADC with a vertical range of 5 V
havinga vertical sensitivity of 5/8 V/LSB.
=Sample Rate 2 MS/s
=Sample Rate 20 MS/s