©NationalInstruments Corporation G-7 NI5911 User Manual
pretriggering thetechnique used on a device to keep a bufferfilled with data, so that when
the triggerconditions are met, the sample includes the data leading up
to the trigger condition
PXI PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation. PXI is an open specification that
buildsoff the CompactPCI specification by adding
RAM random-access memory
real-time sampling sampling that occurs immediately
random interleaved
method of increasing the sample rate by repetitivelysampling a repeated
resolution the smallest signal increment that can be detected bya measurement
system.Resolution can be expressed in bits or in digits. The number of bits
in a system is roughly equal to 3.3 times the number of digits.
rms root mean square—a measure of signal amplitude; the square root of the
averagevalue of the square of the instantaneous signal amplitude
ROM read-only memory
RTSIbus real-timesystem integration bus—the National Instruments timing bus that
connectsdevices directly, by means of connectors on top of the boards, for
precisesyn chronization of functions
Ss seconds
S samples
S/s samplesper second—used to express the rate at which an instrument
samplesan analog signal. 100 MS/s would equal 100 million samples each