©NationalInstruments Corporation A-1 NI5911 User Manual
Thisap pendix lists the specifications of the NI 5911. These specifications
are typical at 25 °C unless otherwisespecified.
Acquisition System
Bandwidth..............................................100 MHzm aximum,
at all input ranges
Numberof channels ............................... 1 for PCI, 2 for VXI
Numberof flexible resolution ADC....... 1 for PCI, 2 for VXI
Max sample rate..................................... 1 GS/s repetitive,
100MS/s single shot
Sample onboard memory....................... 4 MB or 16 MB
Memory sample depth
Frequency Mode
100M Hz/n*Oscilloscope 4MS 16MS
12.5 MHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
5MHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
2.5 MHz Flexible Resolution 1MS 4MS
1MHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
500kHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
200kHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
100kHz FlexibleResolu tion 1MS 4MS
50 kHz Flexible Resolution 1MS 4MS