Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-5 NI 7350 User Manual
Max buffered capture rate1.............2 kHz per axis
Breakpoint (position compare) outputs
Number of outputs.......................... Up to 8 (Encoders 1 through 8)
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V
Output low voltage.................. 0.6 V at 64 mA sink
Output high voltage................. Totem Pole: 2 V at 16 mA source;
open collector: built-in 3.3 kΩ
pull-up to +5 V
Polarity............................................Programmable, active high
oractive low
Max trigger rate (non-buffered)...... 150 Hz
Max buffered trigger rate1...............2 kHz per axis
Max periodic rate............................4 MHz per axis
Minimum pulse width
(pulse mode only)........................... 200 ns
Inhibit/enable output
Number of outputs.......................... 1 per axis, up to 8
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V
Output low voltage.................. 0.6 V at 64 mA sink
Output high voltage................. Totem Pole: 2 V at 16 mA source;
open collector: built-in 3.3 kΩ
pull-up to +5 V
Polarity............................................Programmable, active high
oractive low
Control............................................ MustOn/MustOff or automatic
when axis off
Analog inputs
Control............................................ Assigned to axis for analog
feedback or general-purpose
analog input
Number of inputs............................ Up to 8, multiplexed,
Multiplexer scan rate...................... 25 μs per enabled ADC
1 Assumes a PID update rate of 250 μs. 2 kHz per axis for PID rates between 62.5 and 250 μs, and 1 kHz per axis for PID rates
greater than 250 μs. This value is not to exceed 8 kHz total for all ongoing buffered breakpoint (position compare) and trigger
(position capture) operation.