NI 7350 User Manual G-4
following error
trip point
The difference between the instantaneous commanded trajectory position
and the feedback position. If the following error increases beyond the
maximum allowable value entered—referred to as the following error trip
point—the motor trips on following error and is killed, preventing the axis
from running away.
FPGA field programmable gate array
freewheel Condition of a motor when power is de-energized and the motor shaft is
free to turn with only frictional forces to impede it.
full-step A stepper motor mode. For a two phase motor, full-step mode is done by
energizing both windings or phases simultaneously.
Gnd/GND ground
half-step A stepper motor mode. For a two phase motor, half-step mode is done by
alternately energizing two windings and then only one. In half step mode,
alternate steps are strong and weak but there is significant improvement in
low-speed smoothness over the full-step mode.
hex hexadecimal
home switch (input) A physical position determined by the mechanical system or designer as the
reference location for system initialization. Frequently, the home position is
also regarded as the zero position in an absolute position frame of reference.
host computer The computer the motion control board is plugged into.
index The marker between consecutive encoder revolutions.
IRQ interrupt request—A signal from a hardware device or a CPU peripheral
device requesting the CPU’s attention.