© National Instruments Corporation G-7 NI 7350 User Manual
quadrature counts Encoder line resolution multiplied by four.
relative breakpoint
(position compare)
Sets the position breakpoint for an encoder in relative quadrature counts.
relative position Destination or target position for motion specified with respect to the
current location regardless of its value.
relative position mode Treat the target position loaded as position relative to current position while
making a move.
ribbon cable A flat cable in which the conductors are side by side.
RPM revolutions per minute—Units for velocity.
RPSPS or RPS/S revolutions per second squared—Units for acceleration and deceleration.
RTR ready to receive—A status bit on the controller indicating that the controller
is ready to communicate with the host system.
servo Specifies an axis that controls a servo motor.
s-curve profile An s-curve acceleration/deceleration profile eases to a start and smoothly
accelerates to top speed. Deceleration is equally smooth.
A method of controlling current in the windings of a brushless servo motor
by using the pattern of a sine wave to shape the smooth delivery of current
to three motor inputs, each 120° out of phase from the next.
stepper Specifies an axis that controls a stepper motor.
toggle Changing state from high to low, back to high, and so on.
torque A force tending to produce rotation.