Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 NI PCI-6110/6111 User Manual
Amplifier CharacteristicsInput impedance
ACH<0..3>+ to ACH<0..3>–
Normal powered on................. 1 MΩ in parallel with 100 pF
Powered off..............................1 MΩ minimum
Overload.................................. 1 MΩ
Impedance to ground
ACH<0..3>– to ground............10 nF
Input bias current................................... ±300 pA
Input offset current.................................±200 pA
CMRR....................................................Refer to Table A-2
Dynamic CharacteristicsInterchannel skew.................................. 1 ns typ
fin = 100 kHz
input range = ±10 V
Note Bandwidth specifications are for signals on the (+) input with the (–) input at
DCg round. The (–) input is slew rate limited to 24 V/µsec and has an additional 10 nF
capacitance to ground.
System noise.......................................... Refer to Table A-2
Crosstalk.................................................–80 dB, DC to 100 kHz
Range Small Signal (–3 dB)
200 mV 4 MHz
500 mV to 50 V 5 MHz