© National Instruments Corporation I-7 NI VXIpc-882 User Manual
UUniversal Serial Bus (USB), 5-9
connector location and pinout
(figure), 5-9
connector signals (table), 5-9
overview (table), 5-1
upgrading RAM, 2-4
user-configurable settings, 3-5
using the NI VXIpc-882 trigger ports, B-1
See also DVI-I
changing resolution, 6-8
driver installation, 6-2
viIn access in VISAIC (figure), 4-5
VMEbus capability codes
list (table), C-1
default settings (table), 3-4
interface, function, 1-3
programming, 4-5
trigger in/out SMBs, function, 1-3
trigger lines, 3-27
CLK10 routing, 3-8
front panel SMB direction, 3-9
W2 jumper, 3-9
optional settings, 3-11
inverting CLK10, 3-11
figure, 3-12
termination, 3-12
selecting external source
W3 jumper, 3-9
selecting source, 3-9
W4 jumper, 3-10
figure, 3-10
TRIG/CLK port A/B direction, 3-11
W7 jumper, 3-11
transfers, optimizing, 4-7
Wwatchdog timer function, 1-2
Web resources, D-1
WEEE notification, A-4