Appendix E SCXI-1120 Cabling
© National Instruments Corporation E-5 SCXI-1120 User Manual
6. For an SCXI-1341, connect the loose end of the ribbon cable to the Lab-NB, Lab-PC, or
Lab-PC+ I/O connector. For an SCXI-1344, connect the two 26-pin connectors to the
Lab--LC according to the instructions given in the Installation section of Chapter 2,
Configuration and Installation, of the Lab-LC User Manual.
Check the installation.
SCXI-1342 PC-LPM-16 Cable Assembly
The SCXI-1342 PC-LPM-16 cable assembly connects a PC-LPM-16 board to an SCXI-1120
module. The 1342 cable assembly consists of two pieces–an adapter board and a 50-conductor
ribbon cable that connects the PC-LPM-16 board to the adapter board. The adapter board
converts the signals from the PC-LPM-16 I/O connector to a format compatible with the
SCXI-1120 rear signal connector pinout. The adapter board also has an additional male breakout
connector that makes the unmodified PC-LPM-16 signals accessible to an SCXI-1180
feedthrough panel or SCXI-1181 breadboard module. The adapter board gives the PC-LPM-16
full access to the digital control lines and analog signals, but the PC-LPM-16 cannot scan
channels in the Multiplexed mode. Leave jumper W1 in position A on the SCXI-1342. The
SCXI-1120 does not use jumper W1. Table E-3 lists the SCXI-1342 pin translations.
Table E-3. SCXI-1342 Pin Translations
PC-LPM-16 Pin PC-LPM-16 Signal Rear Signal
Connector Pin SCXI-1120 Use
3 ACH0 3 MCH0+
4 ACH8 4 MCH0-
5 ACH1 5 MCH1+
6 ACH9 6 MCH1-
7 ACH2 7 MCH2+
8 ACH10 8 MCH2-
9 ACH3 9 MCH3+
10 ACH11 10 MCH3-
11 ACH4 11 MCH4+
12 ACH12 12 MCH4-
13 ACH5 13 MCH5+
14 ACH13 14 MCH5-
15 ACH6 15 MCH6+
16 ACH14 16 MCH6-
17 ACH7 17 MCH7+
18 ACH15 18 MCH7-
19, 50 DGND 24, 33 DIG GND
29 DIN7 28 No Connect
35 DOUT5 27 DAQD*/A