Chapter 5 Programming
© National Instruments Corporation 5-7 SCXI-1120 User Manual
•MC-MIO-16 User Manual
- Multiple A/D Conversions with Continuous Channel Scanning (Round Robin)
- Multiple A/D Conversions with Interval Channel Scanning (Pseudosimultaneous)
•NB-MIO-16 User Manual
- Programming Multiple A/D Conversions with Channel Scanning
•NB-MIO-16X User Manual
- Multiple A/D Conversions with Continuous Channel Scanning (Round Robin)
- Multiple A/D Conversions with Interval Channel Scanning (Pseudosimultaneous)
•PC-LPM-16 User Manual
- Programming Multiple A/D Conversions with Channel Scanning
Follow the instructions in these sections through the part labeled as follows:
•Clear the A/D Circuitry and Reset the Mux Counter in the MIO board user manual (except for
the AT-MIO-16X and AT-MIO-64F-5). Do not continue to the part called Enable the
Scanning Data Acquisition Operation. You will do this after you have programmed the
modules and Slot 0.
•Program the Sample Counter (if you are doing continuous channel scanning) or Program the
Scan-Interval Counter (if you are doing interval channel scanning) in the AT-MIO-16X and
AT-MIO-64F-5 user manuals. Do not continue to the part labeled Enable a Scanning Data
Acquisition Operation or Enable an Interval Scanning Data Acquisition Operation. You will
do this after you have programmed the modules and Slot 0.
Note: For multiplexed scanning with an MIO board, it is important that you follow the
instructions in the channel scanning sections, not the single-channel sections. Although
you may be using only one MIO board channel, the channel scanning programming will
ensure that the MIO board outputs SCANCLK, which is needed by the SCXI-1120 and
Slot 0.
•Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-LC User Manual. Do not continue to the part called
Program the Sample-Interval Counter. You will do this after you have programmed the
modules and Slot 0.
•Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-PC User Manual, the Lab PC+ User Manual, and the
PC-LPM-16 User Manual. Do not continue to the part called Start and Service the Data
Acquisition Operation. You will do this after you have programmed the modules and Slot 0.
•Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-NB User Manual. Do not continue to the part called
Program the Sample-Interval Counter (Counter A0). You will do this after you have
programmed the modules and Slot 0.