Configuration and Installation Chapter 2
SCXI-1120 User Manual 2-4 © National Instruments Corporation
The jumpers are used as follows:
•Fixed jumpers
- On Revision A and B modules, jumper W42 is unused and should not be connected.
- Jumper W45 is reserved and should not be reconfigured.
- On Revision A and B modules, jumper W44 carries the SLOT0SEL* signal from the rear
signal connector, after buffering, to the SCXIbus INTR* line and should be left in the
factory-default position (position 1). On Revision C and later modules, jumper W44 does
not exist.
•User-configurable jumpers
- Jumper W43 carries the SCXIbus MISO line, after buffering, to the SERDATOUT signal
on the rear signal connector.
- On Revision C and later modules, jumper 42 connects a pullup resistor to the
SERDATOUT signal on the rear signal connector.
- Jumper W46 configures the guard, the analog output ground, and enables the
Pseudodifferential Reference mode.
- Jumpers W1 through W8 configure the first-stage gain of channels 0 through 7,
- Jumpers W9 through W16 configure the second-stage gain of channels 0 through 7,
- Jumpers W17 through W24 configure the first-stage filtering of input channels 0 through
7, respectively.
- Jumpers W25 through W40 configure the second-stage filtering of input channels 0
through 7, respectively.
- Jumper W41 directly connects the temperature sensor to the rear signal connector. To do
so, set jumper W46 in the AB-R2 or AB-R0 position first.
Further configuration of the board is software controlled and will be discussed later in this
Digital Signal ConnectionsThe four digital signal connection jumpers have position 1 marked on the board. Position 3 is
not explicitly marked on the board.
The SCXI-1120 has three jumpers dedicated for communication between the data acquisition
board and the SCXIbus. These jumpers are W42, W43, and W44.