Record the settings and revisions of your hardware and software on the line to the right of each item. Complete a
new copy of this form each time you revise your software or hardware configuration, and use this form as a
reference for your current configuration. Completing this form accurately before contacting National Instruments
for technical support helps our applications engineers answer your questions more efficiently.
• SCXI-1120 Revision Letter
• Chassis Slot
• Chassis Type
• Grounding, Shielding, and Reference
Mode Selection (Factory Setting:
Parked, W46, B-R0R1)
• Input Channel Gain Configuration
Input Channel First-Stage Gain Second-Stage Gain Total Gain
Factory Setting User Setting Factory Setting User Setting Factory Setting, 1,000
0 100, W1, A 10, W9, D
1 100, W2, A 10, W10, D
2 100, W3, A 10, W11, D
3 100, W4, A 10, W12, D
4 100, W5, A 10, W13, D
5 100, W6, A 10, W14, D
6 100, W7, A 10, W15, D
7 100, W8, A 10, W16, D
• Input Channel Filter Configuration
Input Channel Factory Setting User Setting
0 W17, A, W25, ON, W26, OFF
1 W18, A, W27, ON, W28, OFF
2 W19, A, W29, ON, W30, OFF
3 W20, A, W31, ON, W32, OFF
4 W21, A, W33, ON, W34, OFF
5 W22, A, W35, ON, W36, OFF
6 W23, A, W37, ON, W38, OFF
7 W24, A, W39, ON, W40, OFF
• Other Modules in System
• Data Acquisition Boards Installed