Private Transfer:

TFTP currently has no provisions for user authentication. We suggest you keep the ‘Private Transfer’ option checked in order to prevent anyone other than the network administrator using the APMS program to upgrade the AP firmware. If you want to use a third party TFTP tool to upgrade the AP firmware, this option should be disabled.


Specifies the number of seconds TFTP waits to make sure that the sender has completed the transmission. The range is from 3 to 255 seconds.

SNMP Access Control:

SNMP Access Control is the next tab on the box (Figure 29). SNMP access control is managed by a control table on the AP.

Figure 29. AP Setting/SNMP Access Control

The first time this box is opened, the table will be empty. This means that there are no restrictions on who can access and reconfigure the AP and any user may modify the AP’s operation. Access to the AP configuration should be restricted to only those for whom it is absolutely necessary. First enter your IP address and then set your own access rights to Read/Write (see the note below).

InstantWave High Rate 11Mbps Access Point 31