Custom Configuration

You can determine the configuration by specifying in detail the physical drives to be used and the logical drive to be created. Select [Custom], and click on [Next]. A screen as shown below appears.

Select the drive to configure the array and click on [Add to Array]. You cannot add a drive to an existing array while running the Wizard.

Select the drive for hot spare and click on [Add Spare] to add Hot Spare drives.

Even if it creates a hot spare and completes Wizard, it may not be displayed on a screen.

In that case, please click [Rescan].

Click on [Accept Array] if you approve the suggested configuration.

Click on [Reclaim] to clear the last configured array.

Click on [Next] to accept the proposed configuration. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the configuration process.

It is satisfactory although the following logs may be registered at the time of creation of an array.

Source: MegaServ

ID: 6107

Description: CheckConsistency is COMPLETED.