6. Periodic Consistency Check
Make a periodic consistency check on array disks and correct inconsistency detected. Doing so prevents a failure in rebuilding a failing physical drive. A consistency check must be made on the whole Read section of the logical drive. This means that areas of the physical drives, which are not usually accessed, are accessed all together. Thus, the consistency check command also enables detection of an imminent physical drive failure. Making a periodic consistency check decreases the
Periodic consistency check can be performed by running Check Consistency command from the command prompt. The command is for scheduling. When consistency check is scheduled and performed, the running status including start, end, and at every 15 minutes is output to event log.
Requirements to execute the Check Consistency commandLSI Logic disk array controller must be connected.
Power Console Plus must be installed.
The MegaServ service is available.
Execute formFormat
megactrl arg1 [arg2 [arg3 [arg4 [...]]]]
(megactrl.exe is installed generally in "c:\winnt\system32" when Power Console Plus is installed.)
IMPORTANT: Do not use any other parameters than described below.
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