☞This feature requires a Voice Announce Unit (VAU).
When you are away from your phone, Park and Page can let you know
when you have a call waiting to be answered. To enable Park and
Page, you record a Personal Greeting along with an additional Paging
announcement. Your callers hear your Personal Greeting and automati-
cally wait at your phone. The system then broadcasts your prerecorded
Paging announcement. You can go to any co-worker's phone and pick
up your waiting call.
For example, you could record a Personal Greeting that says, "Hello. I
am away from my phone right now but please hold on while I am
automatically paged." Your Paging announcement could say, "(your
name), you have a call waiting on your line." Your caller hears your
Personal Greeting - and you hear the Paging broadcast.
1. + .
1. (Call Forward to Device).
2. + When you hear, "Please start
recording", record your Personal
If you already have Park and Page or
Personal Greeting set up, you can dial:
7 to re-record
5 to listen (then # to listen again)
3 to erase (then optionally HOLD to
cancel the erase)
3. .
4. When you hear, "Please start recording",
record your Page.
To have the system
Page you when you
have a call:
Park and Page (VAU)94