Use Group Listen when you want others in your office to listen in on
your call. While you talk on the handset, your caller's voice broadcasts
over your telephone's speaker. Group Listen automatically turns your
Handsfree microphone off so your caller cannot hear the conversation
in your office.
1. Place or answer call using the handset.
2. twice (but do not hang up).
SPK flashes slowly.
You can talk to the caller through
your handset. Your co-workers hear
your caller's voice over your phone's
When you press SPKonce, you turn
your Speakerphone on and your handset
off. The second press turns on Group
1. You must have a speakerphone for
Handsfree operation.
1. Do not hang up + Press flashing .
You can talk to your caller over your
handset. Your co-workers can no longer
hear your caller's voice.
To cancel Group
Listen (without hang-
ing up your call):
To talk Handsfree
after initiating Group
To initiate Group
Group Listen53