Have a call for a co-worker and can't find them? Put their call in a
waiting state called Park so they can pick it up. After you Park the
call, Page the co-worker you want to receive the call and hang up.
When your co-worker hears the Page, they dial the orbit or press a
Park key to pick up the call.
There are two types of Park: System and Personal. Use System Park
when you want to have the call wait in a system orbit. (There can be up
to 64 system orbits, depending on your system) Personal Park allows
you to Park a call at your extension so a co-worker can pick it up.
1. Do not hang up.
2. (Park).
+ + Park Orbit.
Park Orbits are 1-64. If you hear
busy, the orbit is busy. Try another
3. Page your co-worker to pick up the call.
4. to hang up.
If not picked up, the call will recall to
You can only pick up a call parked by a
member of your own Park group.
1. + (Park).
+ + Park Orbit.
To pick up a parked
call from a system
To Park a call in a
system orbit: