Need to talk to a co-worker and don't know where they are? Meet Me
Paging allows you to set up a private meeting on a Page zone. While
you meet on the zone, no one else can hear your conversation, join in
or make an announcement using that zone. There are two types of
Meet Me Paging: Meet Me External Paging and Meet Me Internal
Paging. With Meet Me External Paging, you hold the meeting on an
External Paging zone. With Meet Me Internal Paging, you hold the
meeting on an Internal Paging zone.
In addition to Meet Me Paging, there are other ways to have a tele-
phone meeting. See Conference (page 33), Voice Call Conference
(page 34), Meet Me Conference (page 63) and Tandem Trunking
(page 115).
Meet Me External Paging
1. + + External
Paging zone (1-8 or 0 for All Call).
(External Paging Zone).
2. Announce the zone.
You can optionally press CALL1 and
dial combined zones *10 to *18 instead.
See Paging on page 90 for more on
combined zones.
1. + + External
Paging zone (1-8 or 0 for All Call).
You connect to the other party.
To join a Meet Me
External Page:
To make a Meet Me
External Page:
Meet Me Paging65