1. + + External
Paging zone (1-8 or 0 for All Call).
You connect to the other parties.

Meet Me Internal Conference

1. While on a call, .
2. + Internal Paging zone
(0-9 or 00-64).
(Internal Paging).
You can optionally press CALL1 and
dial combined zones *10 to *18 instead.
See Paging on page 90 for more on
combined zones.
3. Announce the call.
4. twice when co-worker answers
your page.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each co-worker you
want to add.
1. + (if your phone
is in the zone called).
+ + Zone (0-9 or
00-64) (if your phone is not in the zone
(Internal Paging Zone Answer)
(if your phone is in the zone called).
To join a Meet Me
Internal Conference:
To make a Meet Me
Internal Conference:
To join a Meet Me
External Conference:
Meet Me Conference