While you are busy on a handset call, Reverse Voice Over allows you
to make a private Intercom call to an idle co-worker. Just press your
Reverse Voice Over function key to call your co-worker. Your initial
caller cannot hear your voice, but you can keep talking to your co-
worker as long as you hold down your key.
Reverse Voice Over is great, for example, if you're busy on the phone
and you need an associate to get you a file. While your caller is talking:
●Press the Reverse Voice Over key.
●Request the file.
●Return to the call without the caller even knowing you were gone.
If you're not busy on the phone, your Reverse Voice Over key works the
same as a Hotline key. Just press the key to call the assigned co-worker.
The Reverse Voice Over key even shows you the status of your co-worker:
When You're On a Call
1. Press and hold (Reverse Voice
Your Reverse Voice Over key lights
1. Release (Reverse Voice Over).
When Your Phone is Idle
1. (Reverse Voice Over).
You can optionally lift the handset for
To place a call to your
Reverse Voice Over
To return to your
initial caller:
To place a Reverse
Voice Over Call:
When the key is . . . Yourco-worker's phone is . . .
Off Idle
Slow Flash Busy or has a call ringing
Fast Flash In Do Not Disturb
Reverse Voice Over 104