Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6




Table 5-3:

Router Statistics Items (continued)












R x B /s


T h e cu rre n t recep tion (in b ou n d ) b a n d wid th u sed on th e W A N a n d L A N p orts .

U p

Tim e


T h e a m ou n t of tim e sin ce th e rou ter wa s la st re sta rted .

U p

Tim e


T h e tim e ela p sed sin ce th is p ort a cqu ired th e lin k .

P oll I n terva l


S p ecifies th e in terva ls a t wh ich th e sta tistics a re u p d a ted in th is win d ow. C lick on S top




to freeze th e d isp la y.




S et I n terva l


E n te r a tim e a n d click th e b u tton to set th e p ollin g frequ en cy.





S top



C lick th e S top b u tton to fre eze th e p ollin g in form a tion .





Viewing a List of Attached Devices

The Attached Devices menu contains a table of all IP devices that the router has discovered on the local network. From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select Attached Devices to view the table, shown below.

Figure 5-4: Attached Devices menu

For each device, the table shows the IP address, NetBIOS Host Name (if available), and Ethernet MAC address. Note that if the router is rebooted, the table data is lost until the router rediscovers the devices. To force the router to look for attached devices, click the Refresh button.

Configuration File Management

The configuration settings of the WGR614 v6 router are stored within the router in a configuration file. This file can be saved (backed up) to a user’s PC, retrieved (restored) from the user’s PC, or cleared to factory default settings.

M a in te n a n ce

5 -5

202-10099-01, April 2005

Page 47
Image 47
NETGEAR WGR614 v6 manual Viewing a List of Attached Devices, Configuration File Management