•Telstra Bigpond, an Australian residential cable modem service
Note: The Telstra Bigpond setting is only for older cable modem service accounts still requiring a Bigpond login utility. Telstra has discontinued this type of account. Those with Telstra DSL accounts and newer cable modem accounts should select No for Does Your Internet Connection Require a Login.
•Other, which selects PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet), the protocol used by most DSL services worldwide.
Note: Not all ISPs are listed here. The ones on this list have special requirements.
–Login and Password. This is the user name and password provided by your ISP. This name and password are used to log in to the ISP server.
–Service Name. If your connection is capable of connecting to multiple Internet services, this setting specifies which service to use.
•Connection Mode. This
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