The WAN Load by DLCI mode in dial view shows transfer rate, CRC error rate, FECN/BECN frame rates graphed on dial meters.


Click Settings and then the DLCI CIR Setup tab to display a dialog that lets you enter DLCIs and their corresponding Committed Information Rates. You can eithe enter the DLCIs manually, or automatically add DLCIs from Observer’s current alias list.

Graph View

The WAN Load display in graph view shows these same statistics (transfer rate, CRC error rate, and FECN/BECN frame rates) as superimposed spike meters. The Committed Information Rate (CIR) is also shown, allowing you to view the network activity against the baseline performance you have contracted to receive from your WAN service provider

You can select line, point, or bar-style meter, and the colors for each statistic by right- clicking on the chart. The dropdown menus at the top of the display let you select what DLCIs to view, and how the chart should be scaled (linearly, logarithmically, or autoscale). For linear scales, you can also set the CIR or the line rate as the maximum value for the chart.

List View Display Properties

The Network Activity List view has only one display property option. To reset the columns to their default widths, click on the icon or go to Mode Commands->Display Properties (or simply right-click on the display).

To reset column widths to their default values, click Yes. To leave them in their present state, click No.

34Analyzing a WAN Link with Observer