Network Registration and Coverage Status
Network Icon | Registration and Coverage Status* |
In service, ready to use.
You have travelled outside of your Direct Connect coverage area. You cannot place or receive Direct Connect Calls or Call Alerts.
NOTE: For information about Nextel Direct Connect coverage areas, go to nextel.com from your PC.
Your handheld has not completed registration or completed only partial registration with the network. Some applications or services may not be available. If the handheld does not connect and display the NXTL icon after 15 minutes, contact Nextel Customer Care.
You are out of a wireless coverage area.You cannot place or receive phone calls, Direct Connect Calls, or Call Alerts; send or receive email, PIN messages; receive SMS messages, or browse web pages. You may continue to use your handheld’s other applications. Pending messages are sent after you return to a wireless coverage area.
Your handheld is registered on another iDEN network. Only Emergency calls may be placed.
*For comprehensive information regarding application and service capabilities in the registration situations, see the online Handheld User Guide.
IMPORTANT: As a default, the LED flashes red to remind you of unopened messages. It is not an indication of wireless coverage status.