Use only afresh IX240 fi lmcartridge with this camera.
-Do not use conventional 3Smm film.
-There is no film leader. Film is automatically
thrust and loaded inside thecamera.
.1 D : Processed film inside the cartridge*
20: Unexposed film*
3D : Partially exposed film'
4Irreversible Processed Indicator (IPI)
~.~: Fully exposed but unprocessed fi lm* S'Lightlock Door
7 Lightlock Door Drive
8 Cartridge Spool ~ Data Disk
*Visual Exposure Indication (VEl)
Notes about IX240 film cartridge
•Do not disassemble or subject to shock or vibration.
•Becareful not to soil or damage the cartridge contacts, as correct data communication may be impaired
•Do not press on the Lightlock Door Drive with a pointed object (e.g a pen), as this may open the door and expose thefilm .
•Do not break the IrreversibleProcessed Indicator (IPI) on the cartridge, as film processing and printing may become impossible Consult your photo lab if IPI is broken.