•Do not attempt to rotate the Cartridge Spool with apOinted object (e.g. a screwdriver). This can expose the film, alter the VEl, or prevent proper use and/or processing.
•Do not store the fi lmcartridge:
-In direct sunlight, near heating appliances or in ahot place.
Processing and printing
We recommend bringing your filmcartridge to aphoto lab displaying the "Authorized Photo Lab Mark" sign for processing and printing.
Authorized Photo Lab Mark
Authorized Photo labs offer the following services:
13 dillerent print types (C, Hor
2Date/time and titleprinting
3Index Prints (small images of each frame exposed on the roll of film)
4Negative Return in Cartridge (NRIC) Your negatives are returned inside the cartridge for easy storage.
For further detai ls, ask your authorized pr,oto lab.