3 Start shooting.

Highlight Start and press J. Shooting will start after about 3 s, and continue at the selected interval until all the shots have been taken (one shot is taken at each interval). Note that the pause following the recording of each shot varies with shutter speed and the

time needed to record the image, with the result that photographs may not be recorded at the selected interval.

AInterval Timer Photography

A warning will be displayed if the camera is unable to start interval timer photography at current settings (for example, when “Bulb” is selected for shutter speed). While interval timer photography is in progress, settings can not be adjusted and the camera will not turn off automatically (0 29).

AInterrupting Interval Timer Photography

Interval timer shooting ends and interval timer settings are reset when the camera is turned off, the battery is exhausted, the memory card is full, the mode dial is rotated to a new setting, or the Gor Kbutton is pressed.
