Battery Info

View information on the battery currently inserted in the camera (if the camera is powered by an optional MB-D80 battery pack containing two EN-EL3e batteries, information for each battery will be listed separately; only the battery level is displayed when AA batteries are used).



Bat. meter

The current battery level expressed as a percentage.


The number of times the shutter has been released with the current battery since

Pic. meter

the battery was last charged. Note that the camera may sometimes release the


shutter without recording a photograph, for example when measuring preset


white balance.




A five-level display showing battery age. 0 (k) indicates that battery


performance is unimpaired, 4 (l) that the battery has reached the end of its

charging life and should be replaced. Note that batteries charged at


temperatures under about 5 °C (41 °F) may show a temporary drop in charging


life; the charging life display will however return to normal once the battery has


been recharged at a temperature of about 20 °C (68 °F) or higher.


Adjust settings for connection to a GPS unit (pg. 124).

Eye-Fi Upload

This option is displayed only when one of the following 2GB Eye-Fi memory cards (available separately from third-party suppliers) is inserted in the camera: Eye-Fi Card, Eye-Fi Home, Eye-Fi Share, and Eye-Fi Explore (at the time of writing, Eye-Fi memory cards were approved for use in the United States of America only; be sure that Eye-Fi

g card firmware has been updated to the latest version). Choose Enable to upload JPEG images taken with the camera to a preselected destination.

Note that pictures will not be uploaded if signal strength is insufficient. Choose Disable where wireless devices are prohibited.

Firmware Version

View the current camera firmware version.