
Creating Retouched Copies

To cre ate a re tou che d co py:
1Display retouch options.
Highlight the desired item in the retouch menu
and press 2.
2Select a picture.
Highlight a picture and press J.
3Select retouch options.
For more information, see the section for the
selected item.
To exit without creating a
retouched copy, press G.
4Create a retouched copy.
Press J to create a retouched copy.
Except in the
photo information “image only” page (098),
retouched copies are indicated by a N icon.
The camera may not be able to display or retouch
images created with other devices.
If the image was
recorded at an image quality setting of NEF (RAW) +
JPEG fine (044), retouch options apply only to the
JPEG copy (Image overlay and NEF (RAW)
processing excepted).
ACreating Retouched Copies During Playback
Retouched copies can also be created during playback.
Display picture full frame and
press J.
Highlight an option and
Create retouched copy.