17 Loosen the arm
• knob @.
Turn the arm knob counterclock- wise as far as it will go to loosen it (the two bracket positioning pins on the bottom of the grip @ will be visible).
19 Attach the cord
•fastening hanger ® to the bracket.
As shown in the photo, slide the cord fastening hanger onto the bracket.
18 Attach the bracket
•® to the arm.
Slide the open end of the bracket between the arm knob and the grip, seat the two bracket positioning pins in the two indentations on the bracket, and turn the arm knob clockwise as far as it will go to lock the bracket into position .
20 Remove the
•camera'sflash sync socket cover.
Turn the camera 's sync socket cover counterclockwise with a coin to remove it.
•The correct arm/bracket position is with the three washers on the underside of the bracket, the rubber side of the bracket facing up, and flat side of the grip perpendicular to the bracket.
21. Attach the camera body to the bracket.
With the camera against the rubber side of the bracket and the camera's tripod socket over the bracket screw, screw the bracket screw into the camera 's tripod socket until the camera and bracket are securely attached.
Nikonos·Vor Nikonos IV·A