Nikon UPS installation instructions •EVK: Started by a procedure start request

Models: UPS

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UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .

EVK: Started by a procedure start request

INT: Interactive

MRT: Multiple request terminal

PJ: Prestart job

PDJ: Print driver job

RDR: Reader

SBS: Subsystem monitor

SYS: System

WTR: Writer

ELAPSED CPU%: The percent of processing unit time attributes to this job over the elapsed time compared to the measurement time interval.

FUNCTION: The high-level function being performed by the job. This field is blank when a logged function has not been performed. The prefix of this field indicates what the characters that follow the hyphen represent:

CMD: The command is run interactively, or in a batch input stream, or requested from a system menu. Commands in the CL programs are not logged.

DLY: This job is processing a DLYJOB (Delay Job) command. The time displayed is the number of seconds that job is delayed (up to 999999 seconds), or the time when the job is to resume processing (hh:mm:ss), depending on how the command was specified.

GRP: The group name of a suspended group job is displayed.

I/O: The job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output operations (I/O) to a workstation for the sign-on display file. The name displayed is the name of the work station device.

MNU: The name of the menu

MRT: This is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job if the type is MRT, or an interactive job attached to a MRT job is the type is INT. If it is an MRT job, the characters that follow the dash is a number, a slash (/), and another number. The first number indicates how may requesters are currently attached to the MRT job, and the second number indicates the maximum number (MRTMAX) of requesters. NEP indicates the MRT is a “Never-ending-program” (the MRT stays active even if there are no requester of the MRT). If it is an interactive job attached to a MRT, the MRT procedure name follows the dash.

PGM: The program name is the high-level program called interactively, or a program called in a batch input stream, or the initial program specified in the user profile, or the name of a system request processor. If the high-level program transfers control, the program name remains in the function field even though it is no longer in the program stack.

PRC: This is the name of the procedure.

IDX: The value is the name of the file associated with an index (access path) rebuild operation. The previously logged value replaces this value when the index rebuild operation has finished.

LOG-QHST: History information is being logged to a database file.

* - JOBLOG: A job log is being produced

* - DUMP: A dump is in process.

* - ADDLACTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of active jobs

* - PASSTHRU: The job is a pass-through job.

* - RCLSPLSTG: Empty spooled database members are being deleted specified in the QADLACTJ system value. This may indicate that the system value for the initial number of active jobs was set too low.

* - ADLTOTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of jobs specified in the QADTOTJ system value

*-CMDENT: The command entry display is being used

* - DLTSPLF: A spooled file is being deleted.

STATUS: The status of the job. Only one status is displayed per job. A blank status field represents a job that is in transition. The possible values are:


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Nikon UPS installation instructions •EVK: Started by a procedure start request