WLAN ChMinor | minor number of the character device |
GSM TTYDev | name of the GSM serial port |
GSM ChMajor | major number of the serial port |
GSM ChMinor | minor number of the serial port |
GSM status | GSM radio status, possible states are: on, off |
WLAN status | WLAN radio status, possible states are: off, initialized, on |
WLAN state | WLAN state, possible values are: disabled, initialized, reset, |
| hidden scan, scanning, joining, authenticating, associating, |
| closed, creating BSS, infra, adhoc |
WLAN BSSID | BSSID of the created or joined network |
WLAN SSID | SSID of the created or joined network |
WLAN Channel | radio channel used |
WLAN RadioSS | radio strength of the current WLAN access point |
WLAN Mode | current operating mode (infrastructure/ad hoc) |
WLAN Known BSSs lists all the BSSs the device driver knows.
The syntax: |
ID | sequence number |
CAP | capability information as in the IEEE 802.11 specification. For example, bit0=1 |
| means that the BSS is an infrastructure network and if 0, it is an ad hoc |
| network. |
MAC | MAC address of the WLAN access point |
CH | channel |
MX | maximum rate (in 500kbit/s intervals) |
RSSI | radio strength of the WLAN access point (as seen by the radio card) |
SSID | SSID of the network |
Nokia_ctl is a simple user interface to control the radio card. Running nokia_ctl without any arguments will tell the supported commands. Top level commands or command classes are:
enable_wlan | Command enables WLAN |
disable_wlan | Command disables WLAN |
wlan_mibset | WLAN MIB write commands |
wlan_mibget | WLAN MIB read commands |
profile | WLAN profile |