Nokia N96 manual Search for stations, Station directory, Internet radio settings

Models: N96

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To add a station manually to favourites, select

Options > Add station manually. Enter the web


address of the station and a name that you want to


appear in the favourites list.

To add the currently playing station to favourites,

select Options > Add to Favourites.


To view station information, to move a station up or


down in the list, or to delete a station from the


favourites, select Options > Station and the desired




To view only stations beginning with particular letters


or numbers, start entering the characters. Matching


stations are displayed.


Search for stations


To search for radio stations in the Nokia Internet Radio


service by their name, do the following:


1. In the application main view, select Search.


2. Enter a station name or the first letters of it in the


search field, and select Search.


Matching stations are displayed.


To listen to a station, select it, and Listen.


To save a station to your favourites, select it, and


Options > Add to Favourites.


To make another search, select Options > Search


Station directory

Press , and select Radio > Internet radio > Station directory.

The station directory is maintained by Nokia. If you want to listen to internet radio stations outside the directory, add station information manually or browse for station links on the internet with the Web application.

Select how you want the available stations to be sorted:

Browse by genre — View the available radio station genres.

Browse by language — View the languages in which there are stations broadcasting.

Browse by country — View the countries in which there are stations broadcasting.

Top stations — View the most popular stations in the directory.

Internet radio settings


, and select Music > Radio > Internet

radio >

Options > Settings.

To select the default access point to connect to the network, select Default access point and from the available options. Select Always ask if you want the device to ask for the access point every time you open the application.

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Nokia N96 manual Search for stations, Station directory, Internet radio settings