Nokia N96 manual Video feeds, My videos, Schedule downloads

Models: N96

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Downloads continue in the background if you exit the application. The downloaded video clips are saved in My videos. To stream a video clip or view a downloaded one, select Options > Play. When the video clip is playing, to control the video player, use the media keys. To adjust the volume, press the volume key.

Schedule downloads

Setting the application to download video clips automatically may involve the transmission of large amounts of data through your service provider's network. Contact your service provider for information about data transmission charges. To schedule an automatic download for video clips in a service, select a category and Options > Schedule downloads. Video centre automatically downloads new video clips daily at the time you define.

To cancel scheduled downloads for a category, select Manual download as the download method.

Video feeds

The content of the installed video services is distributed using RSS feeds. You can view and manage your feeds in Video feeds.

To check your current feed subscriptions, select Options > Feed subscriptions.

To refresh the content of all feeds, select Options > Refresh feeds.

To subscribe to new feeds, select Options > Add feed. Select Via Video directory to select a feed from the services in the video directory, or Add manually to add a video feed address.

To view the videos available in a feed, scroll to it, and press the scroll key.

To view information about a video, select Options > Feed details.

To update the contents of the current feed, select Options > Refresh list.

To manage your account options for a given feed, if available, select Options > Manage account.

To remove a feed from your subscriptions, select Options > Remove feed. You may not be able to remove some preinstalled feeds.

My videos

My videos is a storage place for all videos in the Video centre application. You can list downloaded videos, TV recordings, and video clips recorded with the device camera in separate views. To open My videos, press , and select Video centre > My videos.

To open folders and view video clips, use the scroll key. To control the video player when the video clip is

TV and video


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Nokia N96 manual Video feeds, My videos, Schedule downloads