Nokia N96 manual About Photos, View images and videos

Models: N96

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About Photos

Press , select Photos and from the following:

Captured — to show all the photos and videos you have taken

Months — to show photos and videos categorised by the month they where taken

Albums — to show the default albums and those you have created

Tags — to show tags you have created for each item

Downloads — to show items and videos downloaded from the web or received via MMS or email

All — to view all items

To open a file, press the scroll key. Video clips open and play in Video centre. See "Nokia Video Centre", p. 40.

View images and videos

Press , select Photos and one of the following:

All — View all images and videos.

Captured — View images captured and video clips recorded with the camera of your device.

Downloads — View downloaded video clips and video clips saved in Video centre.

Images and video clips can also be sent to you in a multimedia message, as an e-mail attachment, or through Bluetooth connectivity. To be able to view a received image or video clip in Photos, you must first save it.

The images and video clip files are in a loop and ordered by date and time. The number of files is displayed. To browse the files one by one, scroll left or right. To browse files in groups, scroll up or down.

To open a file, press the scroll key. When an image opens, to zoom in the image, press the zoom keys under the slide. The zooming ratio is not stored permanently.

To edit an image, select Options > Edit. See "Edit images", p. 75.

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Nokia N96 manual About Photos, View images and videos