NordicTrack 831.29881 Follow your progress with the five displays Pulse display, Speed display

Models: 831.29881

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Follow your progress with the five displays,

PULSE display

For this display to be active, the heart rate monitor must be worn.

To put on the heart rate monitor, see How to Use the Cardio Track

Heart Rate Monitoron page 8. After a few seconds, the heart-shaped indicator beside the PULSE display will flash each time your heart beats. Three dashes will then appear in the PULSE display and your heart rate will be shown. Note: The heart rate monitor will sample your heart rate every few seconds. It may take up to ten seconds before an accurate heart rate is shown. If your heart rate is not shown, see Heart Rate Monitor Trouble-shootingon page 8.

CALORIES display

This display shows the approximate number of

catodes you have burned.

TIME/PACE display

This display shows the total time that the walk- ing belt has been mov- ing and your current pace (pace is measured in minutes per mile).

The display will change from one number to the other every seven seconds. Indicators below the display will show which number is currently shown. Note: When a HEART RATE or INCLINE program is selected, the display will show the time remaining in the program rather than the elapsed time.

SPEED display

This display shows the current speed of the

walking belt. Note: When the SPEED but-

tons are pressed, the display will show the

selected speed setting for six seconds. The display will then show the actual speed of the walking belt.

Noie: The speed can be shown in either miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). The KPH indicator beside the SPEED display will light when the speed is shown in kph. To change the unit of measurement, first hold down the STOP button

while inserting the key into the console. An "E"

for English (miles) or an "M" for Metric (kilome- ters) will appear in the PULSE display. Press the SPEED %" button

to change the unit of measurement. Remove and then reinsert the key.


This display shows the distance that the walk- ing belt has moved and the current incline level of the treadmill. Every seven seconds, the

display will change from one number to the other. Indicators below the display will show which number is currently shown.

Note: When the INCLINE buttons are pressed, the display will change to show the selected incline set- ting. If the KPH indicator beside the SPEED display is dark, the distance wilt be displayed in miles. If the

KPH indicator is lit, the distance will be displayed in kilometers.

When you are finished exercising, stop the walking belt and remove the key.

Step onto the foot rails and press the STOP

button. Change the incline of the treadmill to 1.5%. The incline must be at

1.5% before the treadmill is folded to the storage position or the treadmill may be damaged. Remove the key from the console. Store the key in a secure place. In addition, press the on/off switch to

the off position. (See the drawing near the top of page 12.)


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NordicTrack 831.29881 Follow your progress with the five displays Pulse display, TIME/PACE display, Speed display