Glossary 59
Installation and Networking Guidelines for Optical Routing
A group of circuits connected at one point on a network.
insertion loss
In an optical fiber system, the total optical power loss caused by insertion of
an optical component, such as a connector, splice, or coup ler. Usually given in
thousands of bits per second
A measure of the bandwidth on a data transmission medium. One kbps equals
1000 bps.
See wavelength.
local area network
A data communications network that is geographically limited (typically to a
1 km radius), allowing easy interconnection of terminals, microprocessors,
and computers within adjacent buildings. Most notable of LAN topologies are
Ethernet, token ring, and FDDI.
An acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation".
A laser is a monochromatic (same wavelength), coherent (waves in phase),
beam of radiation.
The ratio of optical output power to input power, usually given in units of dB.
Usually represents a decrease in an optical signal. A negative loss means a
gain of power.
In an optical fiber, the absorption of light by molecules in the fiber, causing
some of the intensity of light to be lost from the signal. Usually measured in